Foundation Skills For Agility - Not offered this session. Check back in winter 2024/2025. This class will help dog and handler teams learn the skills they will need to be successful when starting agility training. It focuses on becoming a team with your dog. Class will cover building off-leash control, targeting, handling moves, flat work for agility, and some basic obstacle introduction. Prerequisites: Dogs must be at least 8 months old by the start of class; Dogs must have taken a basic obedience class or have had equivalent training; Dogs MUST NOT be aggressive towards other dogs or to people!
Beginning Agility - Tuesdays at 6:30 pm starting Oct 29, 2024 at Flying Fur. (For dogs that have passed the Foundation Skills for Agility class or the equivalent.) This class will focus on introduction to all the agility obstacles, as well as some simple sequencing and handling skills. This class will run for 7 weeks and cost $105.00.
Advanced Agility - Saturdays at 10:30 am on the outdoor field starting Nov 2 (May not run consecutive weeks). (For dogs that have passed the Intermediate Agility class or the equivalent.) This class will focus on more advanced sequences and handling skills, as well as continuing to work on correct obstacle performance. This class will run for 6 weeks and cost $95.00.
Intro/Novice Competition RunThrus - Sundays at 1:30 pm starting Sept 29, 2024 - on the outdoor field. (For dogs that have passed the Intermediate Agility class or the equivalent.) For dogs competing at the Intro or Novice level, or getting ready to compete - this class will focus on Intro and Novice competition courses. This class will run for 6 nonconsecutive weeks and cost $95.00.
Open/Elite Competition RunThrus- Sundays at 2:45 pm starting Sept 29, 2024 - on the outdoor field.. For dogs competing at the Open or Elite level, or preparing to move up. Dogs must be able to weave 12 poles. This class will focus on Open and Elite competition courses. This class will run for 6 nonconsecutive weeks and cost $95.00.
Weave Pole Class - Two sections: (1) Tuesdays at 7:45 pm starting Oct 29, 2024 at Flying Fur; and (2) Saturdays at 9:30 am on the outdoor field starting Nov 2 (May not run consecutive weeks). (For dogs that have passed the Beginning Agility class or the equivalent.) This class will focus heavily on teaching dogs to weave using the 2x2 weave method, but will also include working towards a more independent performance of contact obstacles, and working on more advanced sequences. This class will run for 6 weeks and cost $95.00.
Introduction to Nosework - Not offered this session. No prerequisites needed. Dogs must be at least 4 months old. This class is taught using the backchaining method, and is held at the Blacksburg Community Center. This class runs for 6 weeks . The cost is $125. All materials needed to complete homework are provided.
Nosework Search Elements - Not offered this session. Prerequisite - Intro to Nosework. This class will continue work with container searches, and introduce the dog to Interior, Exterior, and Vehicle search elements. Locations will vary from week to week. This class runs for 6 weeks . The cost is $115.00.
Nosework Skills - Coming fall 2024. Prerequisite - dogs must be searching odor only (without pairing) and must be able to search all 4 NACSW search elements. This class will continue to hone skills needed to solve more advanced odor puzzles, including pooling odor, converging odor, high and low hides, inaccessible hides, thresholds, and more. Locations will vary from week to week. This class runs for 6 weeks . The cost is $115.00.